Saturday 8 December 2012


In the end of observation, I found that there are some significant services provided by Domino’s Pizza at order counter.

Take away and dine-in
First of all, most of the customers who wish to take away have the priority to get the food faster than those who want to have meals in the Domino’s Pizza restaurant. This can be proved by the faster receiving of ordered food by those customers who came late and ordered take away food than those who came earlier and ordered dine-in food. According to the result I obtained, 19 minutes was the longest waiting time for the customer who tends to dine-in, whereas 12 minutes was the longest waiting time for the customer who wishes to take away. Besides, customers are more likely to take away their foods as compared with dine in the Domino's Pizza.

Management of kitchen insider and cashier
Secondly, Domino’s Pizza has a well-organised management structure in assigning insiders for different tasks. Kitchen insiders of Domino’s Pizza play important roles in packaging, receiving delivery call, cooking, tossing the dough into a pizza by hand, putting the topping and sauces, and also operating all the machines. The hourly total sales of pizzas and side orders which are sold at order counter will be recorded down every day. This is because Domino’s Pizza can forecast and distribute an accurate number of kitchen insider hourly for everyday to come out an efficiency services. Based on my result, the number of kitchen insider also will increase when lunch hour and dinner hour. Moreover, the worker who works at counter has been trained before in order to have a good and polite communication with their customers.

Customers have to wait for so long to reach their turn
Lastly, most of the customers have to spend long time in waiting their turn to make order. This is because there is only one counter in process and customers are hesitant to make decision out of many choices. Besides, the cashier always will pause the process for take order from customers and then serve foods and beverages to the customer's table or place purchased foods and beverages into plastic bag. Thus, the process is slow even it known as fast food.


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